Black walnut USA blank : professionally for the
production of timber body (5 pc ) , exceptional sound. Dimension: 465/446x338x46mmThe excellent for guitar bodies production.Specificati..
Black walnut USA blank : professionally for the
production of timber body ( lamela ) , exceptional sound. Dimension: 580/480x390/315x45mmThe excellent for guitar bodies production.Specifica..
Black walnut USA blank : professionally for the
production of timber body (4 pc ) , exceptional sound. Dimension: 543x355x46mmThe excellent for guitar bodies production.Specificat..
Black walnut USA blank : professionally for the
production of timber body (5 pc ) , exceptional sound. Dimension: 490x363x46mmThe excellent for guitar bodies production.Specification:
BWT 10 CL [ Americký orech formatovaný caliber ]WOOD special
Black walnut US : professionally for the production of timber body (2 pc ) , exceptional sound 500x325x46mm Calibrated: The wood is composed from one trunk - a cross cut is directly connec..
Black walnut USA : professionally for the production of timber body (2 pc ) , exceptional sound. Size: 495/450x335x46mm ( Calibrated: The wood is composed from one trunk - a cross cut is d..
Black Walnut USA Blank for the production guitar
and bass body (2 pc ) , exceptional sound. Dimension: 528/455x380x46mmCalibrated: The wood is composed from one trunk
- a cross c..
Black Walnut USA Blank for the production guitar
and bass body (2 pc ) , exceptional sound. Dimension: 488/420x335x46mmCalibrated: The wood is composed from one trunk
- a cross c..
Black Walnut USA : professionally for the production of timber body (2 pc ) , exceptional sound Dimension: 610x372x46mmCalibrated: The wood is composed from one trunk - a cross cut is dire..
Black walnut USA : professionally for the
production of timber body (3 pcs ) , exceptional sound. Size: 527x366x46mm Specification: